Hybrid Animal Unit
Lafayette Elementary  

We examined the differences and similarities between the characteristics of mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, and insects. Each artist then developed a hybrid creature made of two or more animals from different classifications in the animal kingdom. This hybrid was rendered in chalk pastel, scratchboard, and finally sewn in cloth as a stuffed animal. We also visited the DeYoung museum to examine the animal hybrids in Mesoamerican art.

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Making the scratchboard: coating the Bristol paper with crayon Making the scratchboard: coating the crayon layer with the ink mixture
Drying the scratchboard Redrawing the pastel collage animal hybrid on the scratchboard
Scratchboard drawing Sewing sculptures of the hybrid animals
A hybrid stuffed animal Finished projects
Finished projects Finished projects
Sketching animal forms in the museum

Sketching animal forms in the museum